Where Ideas Grow

Seedproof is where you can find subscribers for an upcoming project, get feedback on your product, or dial in your pitch deck.

Lunar Jobs
Go farther in your career
The hiring process is broken
Lunar helps companies find the right people with less time and money. We also help job seekers stand out from the crowd.
Improve how you feel
It's hard to build better habits
Discover the correlation between your habits and your mood, and see what changes can help you feel better.
The fastest email experience ever made
Problem: Email is getting too slow
Improve how you feel
Problem: It's hard to build better habits
data collection and analysis
Problem: making data collection for businesses easy
The one and only shoe designed for the everyday
Problem: No shoes are designed for everyday
Get your Expert : Get your Answers, and solve your Problems
Problem: Waiting time to get an answer to a specific problem
The Upstarters
Low cost apps using pre-built feature modules
Problem: Expensive to make MVP and find a developer associate
Your shipping department, simple ecommerce fulfillment.
Problem: Shipping for ecommerce is cumbersome and takes too much time
Cryptocurrency exchange and high liquidity B2B solution
Problem: Bringing crypto to wall street and the institutional market
Online programs to help you launch a startup.
Problem: You don''t have to code to launch a startup
See all your tasks with your calendar.
Problem: Helping you know what to work on each day.

New Products

Software to embed New Payment Methods on Websites
Stablecoin and crypto payments for business
AI copywriting tool

Trending Problems

Expensive to make MVP and find a developer associate
6 people are solvingsolve this
You can't take your whiteboard with you!
3 people are solvingsolve this
Dependency of businesses on a separate IT teams even for very simple apps
2 people are solvingsolve this
Too much paper waste and tree loss
2 people are solvingsolve this

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